.NET Oxford monthly meetup write-ups

15 April 2019 - dotnetoxford , Meetups

For the past two years, I've written quite in-depth blog posts about each of our monthly .NET Oxford meetups. Whilst I enjoyed writing these at first - they do take up quite a lot of my time each month. Time that I'd now like to start using for other stuff - eg. writing blog post content of my own choosing rather than effectively someone else's topics. I also have a couple of startup ideas I'd like to have more time to focus on.

Because of this, I've decided to stop writing the monthly .NET Oxford write-ups and will instead just post 'meetup notes' on the Meetup.com event page, which will include relevant links from the talk, news items, photos, etc.

Update: Rather than posting on the Meetup.com site, we now have a dedicated website: dotnetoxford.com. See here for more details.

This does not mean that I'm any less committed to .NET Oxford though! The write-ups are the only thing that is changing, and I certainly envisage .NET Oxford continuing for many years to come! Sorry to those who have enjoyed the blog posts!


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